The following steps assume there is NO Internet access. Specific websites and ISP scan have outages that have nothing to do with your computer or its settings.
Troubleshooting Steps
Try the following series of steps, in order, to see if this fixes your problem. You can stop when you resolve the issue(s) you are having.
Check the network icon (or wireless connection settings) to see if you have Internet access. Ensure that your network adapter is not turned off.
Check for changes to proxy settings.
Check the network cables if your computer is wired to the router.
Reset your router.
Check your firewall or security software. There are specific troubleshooting steps for zonealarm issues.
Check your browser access issues or email problems.
The next few sections will expand these steps into a series of instructions. Where Linux is indicated, i've based these on Linux Mint, the version I'm currently working with.
Check the Network
Check the network connection on your computer. This connects other computers in your network as well as providing access to the Internet via your ISP.
Depending upon your operating system and your settings, there may be a network icon at the top or bottom of the screen or it may be hidden.
Your Internet connection can include either or both wired and wireless connections (see terminology).
Whichever you're using, there is likely a router involved, whether it is your home network or a public network such as at a coffee shop or a business network, or a community wireless network).
If you're not using your own network, you'll need to speak to the person responsible for that network for details on how to fix any issues.
Check the Wireless Settings
If you're connected wirelessly you'll see a listing of available wireless networks. The wireless network you're currently logged into (if any) should be indicated. Most networks are protected by a security protocol and a password.
You'll need to verify that your connection is strong enough and that the settings don't indicate any problems.
If you're having difficulties connecting or if there is a problem with the connection, you'll need to diagnose it.
If you don't control the network, you'll need to ask for the password and may need additional help diagnosing the problems.
Some public networks are heavily used and can be very slow even when everything is working fine.
Check the Wired Settings
If you're connected via CAT5 or CAT6 network cables, you should check the following:
Check the cables to ensure that they aren't unplugged or damaged.
Be sure that the network adapter isn't disabled.
You may need to reset the router then reboot your computer.